Integrated Structure

IPS is many entities in one. Four solid pillars supporting an integrated whole.

IPS Industry, IPS Genomix, IPS Trading, and Hloul make up IPS. Each entity has a different focus and yet they all seamlessly complement and support one another.
Each is linked on several levels. They all meet the strictest international standards and focus on quality in every detail (quality services, quality data, quality reporting...).

The teams collaborate across the entities for optimal results. This integrated structure merges manufacturing capabilities with production plant management; the latest prognostic, predictive and personalized genomic medicine technologies; and wide market access for multinational companies.
Through this integrated structure IPS can successfully:
  • Provide multinationals with the market access they need to penetrate and gain ground in the region
  • Aid government funds, regulatory agencies and even patient advocacy groups by providing quality products and solutions
  • Assist and support the efforts of healthcare providers
  • Give patients and the community the promise of a healthier future
Patients and partners feel the difference.